How I’ve Survived The Most Difficult Times Of My Life

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That’s it.

I’ve been accused of seeing the world too “black and white” before. And, while I understand why someone would feel that way, seeing the world more “black and white” than average has given me a sense of drive that most people lack.

My primary life’s purpose has been “freedom” since I was a teenager. I don’t want to have to do anything other than what I want to do.

My life’s purpose, while simple, is tough.

From the moment I decided on my life’s purpose, I’ve been at a disadvantage.

While my disadvantage isn’t abnormal for a lot of Black Americans, it’s abnormal for most of the people I’d be competing with while trying to secure my freedom (White Americans). I knew I needed to work twice as hard in order to catch up and eventually surpass my competition.

With that said, when I experience difficult times – I fall back on my life’s purpose as a way to guide me.

People I love and care about are dying? It sucks, I love and miss them, and life won’t ever be the same. But, I have to keep moving forward because there’s no other way to reach my life’s purpose.

I made mistakes that erased years of progress? Oh well, all I can do is learn from it and keep moving forward because there’s no other way to reach my life’s purpose.

Do you see the pattern?

Any time my life gets difficult, I remind myself of what I’d like to spend my existence doing. As long as I remind myself of my purpose, there aren’t any bad times I can’t make it out of.

Does that mean it will be quick or easy? Of course not. It still hurts to get punched in the face even if you know you’ve won the fight. However, as long as I have my purpose – I can overcome the difficult times that life throws at me.

So, if you’re going through difficult times in your life – think about what your life’s purpose is.

What goal is worth pursuing for the rest of your life?

As you get older and experience life, you may end up changing your purpose (for example, raising kids might become your purpose). But, no matter your situation, I believe everyone needs a strong purpose. Because without it, life will beat you down and you won’t have a strong reason to get up and continue fighting.

Photo of Brandon Lystner

Written By Brandon Lystner

I'm a landlord that owns several properties, can DIY most home improvement projects, work in digital marketing (for over a decade), can code & build websites, can train dogs, can produce music, and more.

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