Practice Doing Hard Things

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I believe a lot of people avoid doing hard things until life forces them to.

For most of their life, avoiding hard things won’t cause any obvious issues. However, there does come a point when you’ll need to do something hard or suffer big consequences. And, from what I’ve seen, a lot of people choose to suffer consequences instead of doing hard things.

With that said, there’s a catch.

“Hard” is relative.

The more hard things you do, the easier it is to do them. Eventually, once you do enough hard things, your perspective of what’s “hard” changes. The things that used to be hard are now easy. And the things that seemed impossible are now just hard.

So, with that said, let me explain why you should spend more time doing hard things:

Life is going to give you the option to do hard things or suffer big consequences. In an ideal situation, the “hard” things that life forces you to do will actually feel easy (or at least easier) to you so that you can avoid big consequences.

In order for the ideal situation to even be a possibility, you have to practice doing hard things.

Without practice, your threshold for what’s “hard” will be low. This means your life will often be filled with things that feel hard. And if a lot of your life feels hard, you’ll probably suffer mentally (for example, feeling like life is out to get you) and choose the easiest path as often as you can.

But like I said above, avoiding hard things and choosing the easier path won’t cause any obvious issues for most of our lives. However, eventually like will force you to choose between doing something hard or suffering big consequences.

If you’ve spent most of your life choosing the easier path while avoiding hard things, you’ll probably avoid the hard thing again. This time, that decision comes with a big consequence (potentially life-ending).

So, when possible, practice doing hard things and make life easier for yourself.

Photo of Brandon Lystner

Written By Brandon Lystner

I'm a landlord that owns several properties, can DIY most home improvement projects, work in digital marketing (for over a decade), can code & build websites, can train dogs, can produce music, and more.

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