What Is A Typical Day Like In The Life Of A Landlord?

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Day In The Life Of A Landlord

Every time I think about doing something new in my life, I like to hop on YouTube and find examples of what daily life is like for someone with that skill or job. Sometimes, by doing this, I realize that I’m not actually interested in the skill at all.

Seeing the daily life and struggles that come with it help me eliminate the desire to try something new that I’m not fully committed to.

So, If you’re interested in becoming a landlord but curious about what your day-to-day life would be like, this post is for you.

And, unlike a lot of the YouTube videos that show you what it’s like to manage a portfolio of rental properties, I’m going to show you what it’s like when you only manage a couple of units on the side of working a day job.


I start my mornings by getting ready for the day. This includes things like checking my phone, feeding the dog, brushing my teeth, getting dressed, and eating. Depending on the weather, I will also take my dog on a 30-minute walk around my neighborhood or let her run around the backyard.

Once I’ve taken care of the dog and I’m ready to take on the day – I go to work at my 9-5, digital marketing job (mainly doing automotive SEO).

On a typical morning, I don’t have to do anything related to managing rental properties. However, if something did come up (very rare) – I would notice it as soon as I check my phone and deal with it accordingly.


During the afternoon, I’m usually still at my day job. Like most people who work a 9-5, I don’t clock out until the late afternoon / early evening.

On a typical afternoon, I don’t have to do anything related to being a landlord. However, if something did come up in the afternoon (very rare) – it would likely appear as a text message from my tenants. I’d step away from work and deal with it accordingly.


Once I clock out of work, I head home.

After I get home – I typically eat dinner, walk the dog, lift weights, be a good husband, and try to find time to work on my websites (like this one).

On a typical evening, I don’t have to do anything related to being a landlord. However, just like in the morning and the evening – if something did come up (very rare), I’d deal with it accordingly.


As you can see, there’s very little “landlord-ing” done on a day-to-day basis. Which is exactly how I like it.

My main goal with being a landlord is to improve my life as much as I can without sacrificing much of my daily lifestyle (on average).

I’d much rather have less stress and generate less cash flow than maximize the rental income and have more stress on a day-to-day basis.

Now, with that said, there are days (sometimes even weeks) when I find myself actively being a landlord. For example, when I was dealing with water seeping into my basement at my old house hack – I took a vacation from work and was an active landlord for weeks.

But, for me, that’s a perfectly acceptable level of work when you factor in how long foundation repair and waterproofing can last (30+ years). Trading a few weeks of work in exchange for decades of not having to worry about the basement leaking – is a no-brainer.

Photo of Brandon Lystner

Written By Brandon Lystner

I'm a landlord that owns several properties, can DIY most home improvement projects, work in digital marketing (for over a decade), can code & build websites, can train dogs, can produce music, and more.

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